Follow Kim on Instagram @kimthings_art (for paintings) @kimthings_ (for products) Eagle Island. West side. 12”x12” . . #westvanc B+b full. 🐧 Concierge on duty. . . #fullhouse Level 6 . . Thanks to @bcferries dogs are now allo Taken for a ride . . #easyrider #doubledecker #bik Coffee meetup . . #coffeetime #underthetable #dogm Jump! 10”x10” . . #jumptogether #rockjumping # Dog-eared . . #dogeared @elliottbaybookco #bookbro Attention please! . . #pleaseplaywithme #🐾 #en Shapes and lines . . #linesandshapes #geometricdes Beets, 36”x36”, oil on canvas . . Next up in Kales and Scapes, 36”x36”, oil on canvas . Th Waiting. Folded in. . . #waitinggame #inthefolds Two in one. Lapdog. . . #amblesidebeach #beachfro Mind the gap . . #londonunderground #tubetravel #m Bench bunch . . #westiebestie #westies #dogbrother Those ears! . . #foldover #puppyears #bigears #dog